Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Guardian on BlameBush autopilot:

Not only have the formerly admired New Republic and The Nation stumbled badly while rushing to smear the American soldier in Iraq, now the vaunted voice of the Left in Britain has gotten itself tangled up in the emotion of the moment.

The good thing is, they've merely falsely accused politicians rather than soldiers, so their crime is somewhat smaller, if nonetheless stupid.

The past week, the Guardian managed to lambast the Bush administration because its standard regarding stressful interrogation prevented British cooperation in capturing Osama bin Laden, ----in 1998!

British journalists of late have shown themselves a bit incompetent, and now we must inform them that in 1998, William Jefferson Clinton was President of the United States, while George W Bush was the governor of Texas.

Furthermore, According to Richard Clarke, the practice of extreme rendition was not created by the Bush administration, but by Bill Clinton, with the active support of Al Gore. See

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