Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Rules for Thee, But Not for Me.....

Great find by Little Green Footballs ( www.littlegreenfootballs.com ) regarding the pro-Iraq soldier shouted down by the mob at the Daily Kos' left-wing bloggers convention in Chicago. Their complaint? He was speaking out while in uniform. Trouble is, LGF finds a nugget deep within the Kos' dark archives in which he excoriates those who would suggest that uniformed soldiers not be allowed to speak their mind:

".....And anyone that thinks otherwise, quite frankly, is legitimately and objectively un-American."

The left has no principles. Only objects of hatred.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Guardian on BlameBush autopilot:

Not only have the formerly admired New Republic and The Nation stumbled badly while rushing to smear the American soldier in Iraq, now the vaunted voice of the Left in Britain has gotten itself tangled up in the emotion of the moment.

The good thing is, they've merely falsely accused politicians rather than soldiers, so their crime is somewhat smaller, if nonetheless stupid.

The past week, the Guardian managed to lambast the Bush administration because its standard regarding stressful interrogation prevented British cooperation in capturing Osama bin Laden, ----in 1998!

British journalists of late have shown themselves a bit incompetent, and now we must inform them that in 1998, William Jefferson Clinton was President of the United States, while George W Bush was the governor of Texas.

Furthermore, According to Richard Clarke, the practice of extreme rendition was not created by the Bush administration, but by Bill Clinton, with the active support of Al Gore. See http://sayanythingblog.com/

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The New Republic: Home of the gullible.

As the father of an Iraq veteran, let me say that I certainly hope The New Republic is merely suffering from a severe case of simple-minded gullibility. If they aren't, they are suffering from something utterly obscene.

Look at this tripe they ask us to believe:

"About six months into our deployment, we were assigned a new area
topatrol, southwest of Baghdad. We spent a few weeks constructing a
combat outpost, and, in the process, we did a lot of digging. At first, we found
only household objects like silverware and cups. Then we dug deeper and
foundchildren's clothes: sandals, sweatpants, sweaters. Like a strange
archaeological dig of the recent past, the deeper we went, the more personal the
objects we discovered. And, eventually, we reached the bones. All children's
bones: tiny cracked tibias and shoulder blades. We found pieces of hands and
fingers. We found skull fragments. No one cared to speculate what, exactly, had
happened here, but it was clearly a Saddam-era dumping ground of some sort."

"One private, infamous as a joker and troublemaker, found the top part
of a human skull, which was almost perfectly preserved. It even had chunks of
hair, which were stiff and matted down with dirt. He squealed as he placed it on
his head like a crown. It was a perfect fit. As he marched around with the skull
on his head, people dropped shovels and sandbags, folding in half with laughter.
No one thought to tell him to stop. No one was disgusted. Me included. The
private wore the skull for the rest of the day and night. Even on a mission, he
put his helmet over the skull. He observed that he was grateful his hair had just
been cut--since it would make it easier to pick out the pieces of rotting flesh
that were digging into his head."

Imagine this: the private, an adult male, managed to get his cranium inside the skull of a presumably quite large child, and then fit his helmet over the whole thing. If you think about that for one second, you'll already be ahead of the lazy editors at the New Republic who just can't wait to think and publish the worst evil about or sons and daughters. The Weekly Standard http://www.weeklystandard.com/ is doing a good job of debunking this piece of fiction.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Colorado Republicans looking depressed.

I'm new to the Centennial State and I thought I'd see what's on tap for the 2008 open Senate seat here. Not much, I guess. I googled up the hot GOP websites for Colorado. Most seem defunct or under reconstruction. Bad news.
Being July, there isn't much real snow, even up on the Peak, but I'm sure we'll get to tackle a few snowjobs soon enough.